Antonietta Matarazzo

  • derry_londonderry

Name: Antonietta Matarazzo

Country of origin: Italy

Country in which she realized the mobility project: Northern Ireland, City of Derry

I took part in this mobility experience as I wanted to gain more work experience and also improve my English language. I also wanted to become familiar with a new culture and learn the history and culture of another city. I hoped to meet new people and stay with a nice family who could teach me about their way of life and the city. Also, I love to travel so this was another reason.

Mobility has brought so much to my life. My English has improved, I feel more independent and confident after spending several weeks in another country and now I have experience working in different jobs as I spent a week working in a fish production company, a week working in a farm and a week working at a horse stables. I feel more prepared for work when I return to Italy and I know what is expected of me in a working environment. I met lots of good and lovely people, who helped me in my work, learn English and learn the customs of this city.

I could not stay in Ireland as I had to return to Italy to continue with my studies but I would like to return at some stage in the future.

Mobility has helped me to feel much more like a European citizen as I have spent time in another European country, living with a family and experienced a different culture.

There were lots of differences between Irish families and Italian families. Our family eat a lot in the morning and in the evening while we eat more in the afternoon and less in the evening. The houses are also different as they all have gardens and have lots of beautiful decorations. The weather is different as it changes a lot while in my city it is always sunny. Derry has beautiful parks and the city has lots of beautiful monuments and buildings to visit. It took me a week to adapt but the new differences but I adapted to the new culture easily which helped me feel more European.

I would recommend a mobility experience to my friends and my family as it is a great way to see more of the world, meet lots of nice new people, gain work experience in another country while improving your English language. It is a great experience and anyone who gets the chance should take part in a mobility project.