Cristina – Extended mobility in Portugal


A story by Cristina Gavrila

Country of origin: Romania
Country of destination: Portugal
I started to take contact with foreign young people at a quite early stage in my life and since then, I wanted to learn more about their way of living in their countries. But the point of no return was during my last year of high school when I watched a French movie about the Erasmus mobility called “L’auberge espagnol” (Quite famous by now). Months later, I enrolled as university student and applied for an Erasmus scholarship. I could choose between Portugal, Sweden, Slovenia and The Netherlands. I chose Portugal because of the (easy to learn) language, university & facilities, standard of living and the fact that it was far away and something totally new to me but somehow familiar. A few months of mobility should be compulsory for every European student at a higher education institution. One year is the optimal length to adapt to a new culture and system.
I decided to stay in Portugal after my Erasmus scholarship has ended in order to complete my studies knowing their materials and technologies are much more up to date that what my home university could offer. On the other hand, after one year how could I leave if I ‘just’ got used to their way of doing things. I got another scholarship, from the Romanian Government this time and so I finished my Bachelor degree in Portugal.
I did come back to Romania, eventually. After two years of mobility I came home to start a master. I would have stayed in Portugal but I would have studied and worked to pay my studies in the same time and I did not consider it feasible. I now have my master degree and I take into consideration becoming mobile again.
Being mobile has been the best period of my life until now. Obviously, on the personal level it brought me a lot. I became much more independent, confident and aware of cultural differences. I speak now Portuguese fluently and have multimedia skills required for my career.  My University in Romania couldn’t create the environment for me to acquire them.  On the professional level, it brought me a job as Erasmus Officer at my home university.
I realize now I’m Romanian living in Europe. Without this mobility I wouldn’t have known what Europe actually is. A mobility experience should be compulsory for all the students.  I recommend it to everyone.

Tara de origine: Romania
Tara de destinatie: Portugalia
Am inceput sa intru in contact cu tineri straini intr-o etapa destul de tanara a vietii mele si de atunci am vrut sa invat cat mai multe despre modul tinerilor de viata in tarile de unde vin. Dar punctul fara intoarcere a fost in ultimul an de liceu cand am vazut filmul frantuzesc despre mobilitatile Erasmus numit “L’auberge espagnol” (destul de faimos pana acum). Cateva luni mai tarziu am devenit studenta la Universitate si am aplicat pentru o bursa Erasmus. Puteam sa aleg intre a pleca in Portugalia, Suedia, Slovenia si Olanda. Am ales Portugalia pentru limba (usor de invatat), Universitate si facilitatile ei, standardul de viata si pentru ca era departe de casa si ceva cu totul nou pentru mine dar intr-un fel familiar. Cateva luni de mobilitate ar trebui sa fie obligatorii pentru fiecare student la o institutie de invatamant superior. Un an de mobilitate este lungimea optima pentru a te adapta la o cultura si sistem nou.
Am decis sa raman in Portugalia dupa ce mi s-a incheiat bursa Erasmus pentru a-mi termina studiile de licenta stiind ca tehnologia si materialele lor sunt mult mai actualizate fata de ceea ce putea sa-mi ofere universitatea de acasa. Pe de alta parte, cum puteam sa plec dupa un an in Portugalia in care ”deabia” m-am obisnuit cu modul lor de a face lucrurile. Am primit o noua bursa de la Guvernul roman si astfel mi-am terminat studiile de licenta in Portugalia.
M-am intors in Romania in cele din urma. Dupa doi ani de mobilitate m-am intors acasa pentru a face un master. As fi ramas in Portugalia insa ar fi trebuit sa studiez si sa lucrez in acelasi timp pentru a-mi plati studiile si nu era fezabil. Acum am o diploma de master si iau in considerare sa plec din nou intr-o mobilitate.
Participarea la o mobilitate a reprezentat cea mai buna perioada din viata mea pana acum. Bineinteles, la nivel personal mi-a adus foarte multe. Am devenit mai independenta, increzatoare si constienta de diferentele culturale. Vorbesc acum limba portugheza si am aptitudini multimedia necesare carierei mele pe care nu as fi putut sa le obtin la universitatea de acasa. La nivel professional, mobilitatea m-a ajutat sa obtin un loc de munca pe pozitia de Ofiter Erasmus la universitatea de acasa.
Realizez acum ca sunt o romanca ce traieste in Europa. Fara aceasta mobilitate nu as fi stiut ce este Europa cu adevarat. O experienta de mobilitate ar trebui sa fie obligatorie pentru toti studentii. O recomand tuturor.

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