Monthly Archive: October 2015
On October 3rd results from the MOB GAE research study were reported in a special report on youth mobility in ARA Criatures. In the article, by Paloma Arenós, the fact that 95% of participants...
A story by: Florentin Country of origin: Romania Country of destination: Austria (By Amadeus) It all started with my faculty. I did not think I will ever had a chance to visit other countries...
A story from Daria country of destination Italy country of origin Poland After few months of intensive preparation, namely participation in language course and cultural treining, we went to Italy for a month...
A story from Dorota Country of origin Poland Can you imagine a work which always inspires you? Work which gives you an energy for next days, and makes you feel great even on...
A story by : Pierepaolo Country of Origin:Italy Country of destination:Spain (Oneco) During my years of bachelor’s degree, I decided to take part in the mobility experience because I was put myself to the...
A story by Irene Country of origin: Italy Country of destination: Austria (AMADEUS) Taking part in an exchange program abroad it means to learn how to have new eyes, be keen observers, not taking...