About the project


MOB G.A.E stands for MOBility as a source of personal and professional Growth, Autonomy and Employability. The project is funded by the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning programme, action KA4.

The project is promoted by a consortium of 18 partners, representing 14 different countries. The project coordinator is Accademia europea di Firenze (www.aefonline.eu) from Italy.

The main aim of the project is to evaluate and disseminate the impact of international mobility experiences on personal and professional development, employability, autonomy and awareness of European citizenship.

To reach its own goal, MOB G.A.E. has  defined a multilevel and multi-target dissemination strategy, which foresees the following actions:

  • Creation and implementtion of the project website www.mobgae.eu
  • Use of social media to spread information about the project and the case stories
  • Creation and implementation of a BLOG to share and spread case stories of people who have participated in a mobility experience
  • Elaboration and dissemination of local and international newsletters on the project and its results
  • Elaboration and spreading the results of the research on the impact of the mobility experiences on personal and professional growth, autonomy, employability and European citizenship
  • Organisation of local events to spread the research results
  • Organiastion of a Flash Mob to spread the research results and motivate other people to “Move to learn”
  • Organisation of training workshops for pre-departure preparation, to spred the findings of the research

Do you want to know more about the project and its results, visit our Facebook page!

If you want to participate in one of our local events and meetings, check the calendar of events!

For further information and curiosity please do not hesitate to contact us!



The MOB G.A.E team