The MOB GAE project partners have been holding flashmobs in different European cities under the theme #movetolearn #movetogrow #eugo in celebration of Europe Day (May 9) and the impact of mobility experiences. The flashmobs began May 7th in Vienna, Austria, many being held on May 9th (Europe Day). 16 Flash Mobs have been carried out by the partnership in 16 cities: Vienna, Lisbon, Barcelona, Derry, Limassol, Florence, Timiosara, Maribour, Wroclaw, Sofia, Belfast, Bordeaux ,Seville, Berlin, Prague and Valletta.
Flashmobs MOB G.A.E. in 16 cities:
Video Gallery:
This gallery includes the videos from the flashmobs. All flashmobs were carried out within the project MOBility as a source of personal and professional Growth, Autonomy and Employability -MOBGAE project code 543296-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-KA4-KA4MP which is co-funded by the Lifelong Learning programme of the European Union.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Photo Gallery:
Vienna (AT):
Lisbon (PT):
Barcelona (ES):
Florence (IT):
Limassol (CY):
Timisoara (RO):
Maribour (SI):
Sofia (BG):
Belfast (UK):
Bordeaux (FR):
Seville (ES):
Wroclaw (PL):
Prague (CZ):
Valletta (MT):