Jordi – Professional from Spain
A story by: Jordi Coll
Country of origin of the beneficiary: Spain
Destination: Northern Ireland (UK)
Type of mobility: Professional
English version
This was a great experience for me: while staying abroad I have visited many well-known places in Ireland like, Belfast, Dublin and Galway. I also visited lots of famous attractions like the Giant’s Causeway, which I think are amazing and show how beautiful Ireland is.
Throughout my 3 months in Derry, I worked in the campus of a university I really enjoyed it as I got the chance to work in a team. I was able to become confident while also getting the experience of improving my English in a different environment.
I would recommend this experience to anyone, for definite, as it was one of the best decisions I have made. I got the chance to meet new people and experience the Irish culture and I will definitely miss it.
The only advice I would give is don’t be shy as it is important to be confident in your work placement but also I advise you to be friendly.
Catalan version
Aquesta és la historia d’una gran experència per mi: estant a l’extranger he pogut visitar molts llocs coneguts d’Irlanda, com Dublin, Belfast o Galway. També vaig visitar molts llocs interessants, com el Giant’s Causeway, un indret espectacular que ensenya com de bonica és Irlanda. Durant els meus tres mesos a Derry vaig treballar al campus de la universitat, un fet que em va agradar molt perquè vaig poder tenir l’oportunitat de millorar el meu anglès. Recomanaria una experiència com la meva a qualsevol.