The best opportunity I have ever had in my entire life!

A story by Claudia

Country of Origine : Romania

Country of Destination: Austria



I believe that coming to Vienna was the best opportunity I have ever had in my entire life.

I decided to take part of this mobility experience to discover myself and my capacities by knowing new people and working in a different environment  .

I chose to come in Viena due to the wonderful people around me and the professional working area where I worked for 3 weeks. Also , this beautiful city is full of history cites and green space were everyone can lay on the grass or play ping-pong, tennis,football or simply jogging. These kind of activies makes you feel good instantly because they spread a good vibe all over the place.

Furthermore , this mobility brought to life abilities that I did not believe that I have. For exemple , the capacity to adapt myself in a country where I have never been before , with a language that I do not understand. From professional point of view , I learned a lot about NPOs and NGOs , the concept of “crowdfunding” and how difficult is to raise money for a humanity cause.

Being a part of this mobility made me feel like a true citizen of the European Union: both with responsabilities and rights.

All in all , I would advise my family and my friends to take part of this kind of mobility because nothing compares with the possibility to be involved in a project that combines both working and socializing with people from all over the world.

 Italian version

Sunt de parere ca venirea la Viena este cea mai buna oportunitatea pe care am avut-o vreodata.

M-am decis sa fac parte din aceasta experienta de mobilititate pentru a ma descoperi pe mine si capacitatile mele prin cunoasterea unor oameni noi si prin a lucra intr-un mediu diferit.

Am ales sa vin in Viena datorita oamenilor extraordinari din jurul meu si a mediului profesional de lucru in care mi-am petrecut cele 3 saptamani. De asemenea , acest oras  minunat este plin de locuri istorice si spatiu verde unde oricine se poate intinde pe iarba sau sa se joace ping-pong, tennis,fotbal sau doar sa alerge. Aceste tipuri de activitati te fac sa te simti imediat mai bine deoarece emana o atmosfera minunata.

Mai mult , aceasta mobilitate a adus la viata abilitati pe care nu credeam ca le detin. De exemplu , capacitatea sa ma adaptez intr-o tara in care nu am mai fost cu o limba pe care nu o inteleg. Din punct de vedere profesional , am invatat multe despre Organizatii Non-Guvernamentale si Organizatii Non-Profit , conceptul de “crowdfunding” si cat de dificil este sa strangi bani pentru o cauza umanitara.

Facand parte din aceasta mobilitate m-a facut sa ma simt ca un adevarat cetatean al Uniunii Europene: atat cu responsabilitati cat si cu drepturi.

In concluze , mi-as sfatui atat familia cat si prietenii sa se implice in acest tip de mobilitate pentru ca nimic nu se compara cu posibilitatea de a face parte dintr-un proiect care combina munca la  o firma cat si socializarea cu oameni din intreaga lume.

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